The fabulous Angela finally got to go to her Valenitine's dance! She is quite the little mover :) I really think she was the life of the party singing and dancing the way she that she was. "She's really loud!"was frequently repeated by the many friends of the little prancer. She was really great with her friends and spent a lot of time at the food table...just making sure everythingw as in it's proper place :) She twisted and tangoed all night long in the morning. She loved the decorations, she looked fabulous (thanks to the mighty hairdresser Alana, aka Flo, and to the very able costume designer Amanda and company), and she boogied the day away. What a great dance!
Look at that little sass-a-frass!!
10. Out of the Mouths of Babes
6 years ago
Angelina, you look bee-yew-tiful! Wow! I'm glad to hear that you had lots of fun.