Monday, August 31, 2009


Happy Birthday!

Sto Lat!

Feliz Cumpleanos!
Sorry it's late Toots, but Happy birthday from all of us. Keep rockin out!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I am sooooo excited for school! I had and have things to look forward to all week!

Yesterday:Loonsies party! How fun was that? Way fun!
Today:The Temple Dedication! We have a new temple!!!
Monday:Back to school night!!! sooo excited!
Tuesday:Bruin Basic Training Camp! Woo Hooo
Wednesday:First Day of school!
Thursday:Baptisms for the dead in the Salt Lake Temple. Haven't been there yet! Also it IS the second day of school.
Friday:Third day of school!
Saturday:It's Saturday, who doesn't like Saturday?!
Sunday:An Apostle is coming to our stake!!!!!


My New Song!

These are the lyrics to a song I wrote:

Oh, can't you just see,
how it can be
if we were together?

You! Oh can't you feel
that this is real?
I know that I do.

I know,
you know,
that we'll be

I know,
we will
be for-

Oh! I told you I knew!
Oh can this be true?
I sure hope so.

"Yes!" I can't help but shout,
that you came about
to see things I did.

That's all I got folks and thanks for reading! Next time you come to the house for dinner or something I'll play what I've got on the piano for you and maybe sing. when the whole song is finished, lyrics and music I'll make one final post with a video of me playing and singing it all. Thanks all who helped encourage, edit, and listen. Love ya all!


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Astro Jump

Just wanted to post this for anyone who wanted to see Tim jump the Astro at the Hurricane Demolition Derby. It was awesome! It was especially great to see Nacho Libre.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Ode to the Toothsie Doodle Doo

Happy Birthday my thweet li'l thilly! I hope it wath all you wanted and more:) I would potht a bunch of awethome, thweet, funny pics, but alath, I don't have that capability at work:) Happy Birsday! Love love you!


P.S. Come out an play ya li'l thilly!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

hi family!~ i am actually posting a blog bc i was adding one to my cute little blog that courtney made for our little family. i love yu guys very much. sorry we couldnt make it to the trip. i worked my butt off though. 33 hours in 3 days. i love you guys. and skippy says hi. oh yea, so does my wife. =) byby

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yes everyone, the rumors are true! I thought I'd prove it to everyone in the family on this post that Paul still has his raccoon Skippy. Skippy, eye less, nose less, and nearly tail less, was found in a box of old stuff that Paul had. He was found a few months ago when Paul was unpacking and he immediately told some of you about Skippy's return. A few people have been very surprised and I think Alan wasn't even fully convinced that it was true, but look, it is! :) It's quite a sad looking animal, and when I suggested getting rid of it, Paul grasped it away from my hands and held it in his arms for the rest of the night. The mere suggestion of getting rid of it almost brought him to tears. (not really). I had no idea the value of this animal to not only Paul, but the entire family. So I figured since the little guy has made it this far... it deserved a small post on the family blog.