Saturday, August 8, 2009


Yes everyone, the rumors are true! I thought I'd prove it to everyone in the family on this post that Paul still has his raccoon Skippy. Skippy, eye less, nose less, and nearly tail less, was found in a box of old stuff that Paul had. He was found a few months ago when Paul was unpacking and he immediately told some of you about Skippy's return. A few people have been very surprised and I think Alan wasn't even fully convinced that it was true, but look, it is! :) It's quite a sad looking animal, and when I suggested getting rid of it, Paul grasped it away from my hands and held it in his arms for the rest of the night. The mere suggestion of getting rid of it almost brought him to tears. (not really). I had no idea the value of this animal to not only Paul, but the entire family. So I figured since the little guy has made it this far... it deserved a small post on the family blog.


  1. Oh that animal has a very special place in all of our hearts! He's just so darn cute. And I really can't believe he is in as good of shape as he is, I mean he got swung around by his tail so much...

  2. Skippy! All of our childhoods, I would venture to say:)
