Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Yearbook Pictures!

I am so thrilled with how well your school pictures turned out! Of course, we don't have everybody's yet but I wanted to post those that we do have so you wouldn't miss out.. I don't think I could be happier about them!

Marilyn went for the straight across bang. She looks ravishing with the big barrel curls away from her face. This cut really brings out her eyes. Lovely lovely!!
I'm not sure when Spencer had time to grow his hair out so long, but I'm sure Alana helped with that. Who knew he had so much natural curl? What a handsome man.
And Shawna, this is so, I'm just speechless. Angela was asking where she could get herself a pair of those earings and I think we have another size crimper if you want to try that one as well. Stunning!
Laura looks perfect as always. They let her take off her pneumonia tubes for the shot (bless them!). She looks like a glamor girl. I like the shorter hair! It looks fabulous, darling!
We always knew Mason was a stud, and here is the picture to prove it!
Rachel went all out too, and grew her hair out rather quickly as well! I think we are gonna need to stock up on our hairspray supply to keep that bang wave going. What a beaut!
And Emma. Her fifth grade graduation pictures came so fast! She looks so glamorous and grown up. You look amazing!


  1. Rachel says-
    Look at that thumbnail. I have claws. :)
    P.S. Alana, that's how I want my bangs.

  2. Amanda, you have way too much time on your hands and I love it. Post the rest A.S.A.P.

  3. haha did you get our pics from our family picture? and emma looks like mona lisa!
